Current performance measurement trends

The GIPS® Conference, one of the world's largest conferences for the Global Investment Performance Standards, was recently hosted by BVI, the CFA Society Germany and the DVFA, bringing together the asset manager and institutional investors community for a day of informative panel discussions, presentations, and discussion groups.
IDS Managing Director Ulrich Raber discussed in a panel discussion about the current trends in performance measurement with Ralf Hudert (DWS), Cem Mani (Generali), and Krzysztof Szlachta (Quoniam) under the moderation of Martin Schliemann (Frankfurt Financial Audit).
During this insightful discussion, panelists exchanged on the sense and purpose of long-term attribution, their limits and difficulties as well as solutions for a better interpretation of long-term calculation.
Take a sneak peek of the conference by reading the portfolio institutionell article "Die Vermessung der Anlagewelt" published on 20 June 2023 (German only).