Celebrating 10 years of Performance Attribution Tool!

2022 marks the 10th anniversary of the IDS Attribution Tool. On achieving this milestone, IDS looks back on a journey of innovation and commitment, dedicated always to our clients.
A decade ago, the team Transaction based Performance Attribution envisioned developing a system that would go beyond current client requirements. That system was the Attribution Tool, a calculation engine for attribution figures, built on the same pre-system as ORTEC PEARL and sharing the same reporting layer definition. The Brinson-Fachler model chosen for implementation was the multi-level model that was presented at the first IDS Academy held in Frankfurt in May 2012.
The RPA model of a top asset manager combined with the linkage of the history provided by the client and the calculation aggregate method based on the multi-level Brinson-Fachler attribution on a region-country breakdown became its first live product. As a matter of fact, it was the very first entry in the IDS Attribution Tool, exactly on 2 November 2012 at 17:52:53.
Since then, our attribution tool has been expanded to include many more transaction-based performance attribution products, such as Benchmark versus Benchmark, Multi-Level Reporting, Analytic Subportfolios, or Multi-Asset, to name a few. It has now become a corner stone of the attribution production.
Our ambition remains the same. Focusing on the next 10 years already, we are working now on what our clients need next.