Allianz Global Investors publishes Sustainability and TCFD Reports 2020

On 4 May 2021, Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI) published a Sustainability Report and a TCFD Report for 2020 as part of its commitment to increase transparency and performance across its sus-tainable investment approach.
IDS is proud to support AllianzGI in taking this significant step on its sustainability journey by providing quality-assured carbon footprinting.
Carbon Footprint
In the Sustainability Report 2020, AllianzGI presents its sustainable investment offering and its ambi-tions as a sustainable investor and company. Also and for the first time, AllianzGI published a TCFD Report which outlines how AllianzGI supports and implements the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Both reports include disclosure of investment-related climate metrics based on Carbon Footprint provided by IDS at portfolio level. IDS supports AllianzGI by delivering quality-assured portfolio carbon footprint for both listed equity and corporate bonds portfolio, available in section 02.3 of the Sustainability Report and in section 05 of the TCFD Report.
IDS ESG Analytics
The IDS ESG Analytics service module also enables clients to identify the key sustainability risks in their portfolios based on the accurate calculation of all regulatory required ESG scores and metrics at investment and portfolio level. The service module offers a comprehensive picture of all key figures, per investment, per portfolio and for any sub-aggregates such as issuers, groups of companies, or portfolio segments.
This ensures that the client is better prepared to meet the ESG regulatory re-quirements, as well as to comply with future sustainability regulations and laws.
> Learn more about the IDS ESG Services