ESG Data Intelligence for investment pros

Valid data is necessary to anchor the ESG dimension in investment processes. Analytics are needed for ratings and risk indicators. Reports must be in the required templates. A proven, scalable solution that envisions tomorrow’s ESG demands today: Data Intelligence from IDS – powered by Allianz.

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Your navigator for the entire ESG journey

From fulfilling SFDR obligations to seizing opportunities – IDS provides a strategic ESG data management approach that makes a difference. We use a cross-vendor, integrated data solution covering all asset classes.

That encompasses validated calculation of ESG exposures, taxonomy compliance and PAI indicators, including carbon footprint. Flexibly configurable reporting is available in all required formats and EU languages – complete with audit-proof monitoring. Why settle for less?

Forward-thinking data strategy needed

SFDR, PAI, Taxonomies: Level 1 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in March 2021 was just the beginning of a regulatory journey that is gaining momentum. From as early as mid-year 2021, larger investment companies are required to disclose their Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) policies. Disclosure of the first two (of six) taxonomy categories for sustainable financial products starts at the end of 2021 – followed by related investor disclosures from early 2022 and quantitative PAI disclosures from mid-2023.

    March 2021

    SFDR entry into force

    June 2021

    SFDR: consideration of PAI indicators at entity level (major financial market participants)

    January 2022

    Taxonomy: disclosure requirements for environmental objectives 1 and 2

    June 2022

    Taxonomy: deadline to develop draft RTS on environmental objectives 3 - 6

    August 2022

    Integration of sustainability risks and factors in MiFID II, IDD and Solvency II

    January 2023

    SFDR RTS: entry into force | SFDR: disclosure of PAI indicators at product level | Taxonomy: disclosure requirements on environmental objectives 3 - 6 | Taxonomy: Complementary Climate Delegated Act (gas and nuclear)

    February 2023

    SFDR RTS: updated to include fossil gas and nuclear energy.

    June 2023

    SFDR: PAI indicators at company level (first reference period year 2022)

    January 2024

    CSRD: disclosure requirements for all companies subject to the NFRD (reporting in 2025, FY 2024)

    June 2024

    SFDR: PAI indicators at company level (second reference period year 2023)

    January 2025

    CSRD: disclosure requirements for all large companies (reporting in 2026, FY 2025)

The ESG solution by IDS.

Proven in action at Europe's largest asset owner.

The ESG data management solution from IDS is already being used for more than 2500 investment products across asset classes. Our experience and expertise in this field ensure reliable compliance with all current and future SFDR disclosure requirements. We see to it that your data is action-ready for portfolio management and monitoring:

  • ESG-relevant exposures for investments and (optionally) underlying positions
  • Regulatory ESG scores at investment, portfolio and company level
  • Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) indicators, whether mandatory or optional, including carbon footprint
  • Proportion of EU taxonomy-compliant investments in portfolio

One solution - all the benefits

This is how asset owners and asset managers benefit from IDS' comprehensive ESG data solution.

ESG Data Hub

We consolidate and supplement data from all sources, in all formats and quality levels in the ESG Data Hub – ready to access for all subsequent processes.

Full asset coverage

More than stocks and bonds: IDS allows you to integrate government bonds, real estate and alternative assets into your ESG approach.

EU regulation made easy

SFDR levels 1 & 2, EU taxonomy, PAI, ESG factsheets, EET – with IDS, you handle EU regulation sustainably and reliably.

No hassles with ESG

Decarbonization, climate stress testing, reporting: We support ESG decision makers at every point in the value chain.

Adaptive solutions

ESG keeps evolving, so we have built a flexible data solution that grows along with customer requirements and future regulatory changes.

Safety with a seal of approval

Triple certified security: Audit-proof processes, external auditing, and automated testing and approval processes.

Driving force and standard setter

Benefit from the ESG power of Allianz – a pioneer in Sustainable Finance and co-founder of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance.

Customized added value. For asset owners and managers.

Merely following ESG criteria is not enough: High investor expectations, growing regulatory pressure, increasing transparency requirements and sophisticated proprietary standards demand an ambitious and forward-looking ESG strategy – along with tailor-made data intelligence for asset owners and asset managers.

Asset Owner

Asset owners’ portfolios are managed by different asset managers, in addition to their own management. Asset managers in turn use different data vendors. The data supplied, for example, via the European ESG template is therefore still insufficient for a uniform view of an investment portfolio’s overall ESG profile. As an independent and neutral expert, IDS evaluates and aggregates the data from various sources according to uniform standards, creating a consistent ESG data center for all subsequent processes.

Asset Manager

Asset managers need valid ESG data throughout the entire investment process – from investment decision making to investment screening, attribution analysis and reporting. ESG information must be incorporated into pre-contractual information or provided to institutional investors via the European ESG template – for a variety of investment vehicles, in all required formats and in the languages of all target markets. Reliable and cost-effective integration of this ESG data on a central platform is the key to success.

  • Dr. Guenther Tallinger

    "Climate change is the defining risk of the 21st century, set to impact societies and economies, and therefore investment portfolios and business models. Strategic data management powered by Allianz helps asset owners and asset managers to enhance their investment process to achieve change and real world impact."

    Dr. Günther Thallinger - Member of the Board of Management of Allianz SE


    • Which ESG data vendors does IDS work with?

      Thanks to the open architecture of the ESG platform, IDS can integrate a variety of vendors such as MSCI, Arabesque or Refinitiv. We can enrich and aggregate their data, whether it is ratings, scores or controversies & business involvement. We can even integrate internal ratings and scores.

    • Can IDS help me fulfill all of the SFDR requirements?

      Our ESG solution is already capable of generating the data to be disclosed in the future and populating all required reporting formats – at company and portfolio level. This includes SFDR levels 1 and 2, calculating the proportion of EU taxonomy-compliant investments in the portfolio, PAIs incl. quality-assured carbon footprint and output via ESG factsheets and European ESG Templates (EET). Future requirements can also be implemented before they come into force.

    • How does IDS differ professionally from other ESG providers?

      IDS is partnered with Allianz for ESG data solutions. Our jointly developed tools, thoroughly tested in live operational settings, give us the special technical expertise required of an ESG pioneer in Europe – on both the asset owner and asset manager side. In addition, we participate in special committees and expert forums and work with other market participants to develop industry standards for the dissemination of ESG data – such as FinDaTex, European ESG Template (EET).

    • Can IDS create the documents in my specific layout?

      We have been producing documents such as annual/semi-annual reports, UCITS KIIDs, PRIIPs KIDs and factsheets using the specific layout requirements of our customers for many years – reliably, efficiently and in high graphic quality. If required, we also take care of the translation of narratives/phrases and texts into any required language and output the texts in all necessary font formats.

    • How is ESG implemented in government bonds, real estate and alternative asset classes?

      IDS supports the determination of ESG country ratings and calculates the PAI indicators required for countries. Likewise, we provide a configurable infrastructure for decentralized collection of ESG data, such as types of use or energy efficiencies of real estate.

    • In which formats will I receive the ESG-relevant information back from IDS?

      All analyses performed by IDS can be returned to asset owners and asset managers via flexibly configurable data formats at any aggregation level and imported, for example, into their web frontend or portal solutions. We produce the European ESG Template (EET) for our clients; the required documents already comply with Article 173 of the French Energy Transition Law.

    • How is the monitoring of ESG criteria in funds supported?

      We support you in mandatory monitoring of the information published by your portfolio management pursuant to the SFDR. We provide the relevant data packets via a frontend on a “need-to-know” basis and ensure audit-proof implementation of the review and approval process.

    • Can IDS enrich data for me?

      We obtain all necessary portfolio, investment and company data for you from all relevant sources, consolidate the data, ensure the required data quality and store the data for you in a standardized form – across all common investment vehicles. If required, we can enrich your data with all necessary information and provide a look-through.

    • How does IDS ensure that processes are audit-proof?

      All data is managed on IDS' central ISAE 3402-compliant data platform. Our systems and processes meet or exceed international IT security standards and are ISO 27001 certified. All enrichments, transformations or changes to data delivered by IDS can be traced at any time, ensuring the full-time audit-readiness of the result data. IDS clients can continuously monitor the calculated ESG data via the IDS frontend and thus verifiably fulfill all required auditing and release obligations. If necessary, we can have our reports assessed by an independent auditor and provide you with the requisite test certificates.

    • Can IDS assist with other ESG issues beyond SFDR?

      Our range of services extends far beyond an SFDR reporting package. We support our clients in integrating ESG into all primary and secondary processes of the investment value chain – e.g., investment screening, risk measurement, regulatory or performance reporting. Contact us as well for assistance with portfolio decarbonization, climate stress testing/reporting or Article 173 FETL reporting.